Our meet ups are perfect for showcasing your business, product or service based!
Our events draw around 100 babes of all different levels of business, all ready to network and shop!
We always make sure to curate our events so we have 1 to 2 businesses in each category.
If you haven't attended one of our meet ups yet we suggest you do before you vend. It's always good to get the full expericance before you attend as a vendor.
To apply fill out the form below, once accepted complete your payment to guarantee your spot.

If you are interested in vending at Babes In Business or any of our pop up events, we urge you to read the following process and guidelines before applying. Babes In Business is a curated event. This means that vendors are selected by our creative team. We look for products that are in line with our brand, mission, core values and will succeed at Babes In Business. Please only submit one application per vendor.
Read our Vendor Guidelines HERE
Payments made for vendors applications are non-refundable.​
Non-refundable Application Fee: $15
All applicants must pay the application fee to apply. The application fee is non-refundable regardless of acceptance. You will be notified of acceptance via email asap or no later than 1-2 weeks if accepted. Upon acceptance, all applications must pay the vendor fee within 3 days of notification of acceptance.